As you know, our company is a representative of small and family businesses. We work with all the realities and current challenges of our market in Ukraine and under the influence of global trends.

For us, as a service business, the main accents are:

  • The team is our talents
  • Clients are our center of attraction and inspiration
  • Partners is added value and new opportunities for us and our customers
  • Innovation and creativity - that's right, we need to keep up with the constant changes and adapt to the success of all participants in our ecosystem

We always strive for development and contribute to making our world more positive, convenient, comfortable and understandable. In order to develop, it is important to gain new knowledge and experience. That is why there should be professionals around who inspire, teach and open new horizons.

Among such professionals, we definitely want to mention coaches, business coaches and mediators.

Business coaches will definitely help to pump up your software skills - time management, leadership, communications, project management, people management, and much more.

Coaches are definitely needed to:

  • Help to go beyond your usual thinking
  • Set priorities in all areas of your life to find your balance and harmony
  • Form goals and achieve them much faster than you expect
  • Accelerate your business development and scaling
  • Get unbiased feedback and change yourself for the better

At the same time, in the process of business activity periodically there are difficult situations where the issue of conflict resolution may arise. The most obvious way is to negotiate or go to court. In fact, for the first one, you should know about the most effective way to find a solution that suits both parties - to contact a mediator.


  • An independent party - a negotiator - to discuss complex issues
  • Help to find and satisfy the important interests of both parties to the conflict
  • Maintain the relationship between the parties
  • Take communication to a new level

To contact us